We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Touch the Nations

I am really excited to share this post with you! I work a after school job in the elementary schools in Avery County along side of my job at the high school. I help them with their homework have snack and do some sort of activity. It is pretty easy although can be challenging to me because I am not used to working with little kids. Well at one of the schools I work at there are two little Hispanic boys and back in January when I first started working there the Lord started using these little boys to speak to me.

He was reminding me how important it was to touch the people of different nations. That as his disciple he has called us to go unto the NATIONS!! He reminded me of my mission trip to Guatemala which I rarely think about, it seems like a million years ago. But I went there the summer of 2007 and built ten houses in a village. I spent my days loving on the little kids of the village. They were so full of joy and so touched by the love we were able to provide. The Lord continued to bring this to my attention and was showing me that I had been missing a part of my discipleship that he is called me too. The last two years I have gone to Mexico to help serve at a youth camp but the Lord is calling me to more.

In the next 2 years I want to go on a mission trip, not to Mexico, but to a new country and I want to serve and touch the children and the people of that country. I want to give hope to the hopeless, feed the hungry, and bring smiles and laughter to them through the love of Christ. It doesn't have to be long but I know that God is showing me that it is a part of what he wants me to do. I am by NO MEANS called to out of country missions full time. I love to travel but that is about it. But I do know that as a disciple of Christ I am called to sow into the other countries.

But get this...the Lord kept speaking. And I, for the rest of my life, am going to do everything it takes to somehow sow Christ into every country on this earth. WHAT!?! I know...it seems extreme. But I did not say I need to GO to every country in the world, I just need to sow into every country in the earth.

My brother and his girlfriend got me a necklace for our wedding shower the other weekend. It is through an organization called half united. Where you buy their product and the money goes to feeding people in Africa. This cute little necklace with a pink painted bullet shell fed 19 people in Africa! 19!! That is sowing Christ. And when I saw this opportunity and was reminded that there are thousands of organizations like this, I felt it in my spirit. It isn't that hard and it is completely possible, so why not do it?!

There are 195 (almost 196 when South Sudan has their Independence day in July) countries on the Earth. I will probably live about 65ish more years. If I simply sow into 3 countries a year...I can do it and to be honest I will probably do more than 3 a year. I also want to PHYSICALLY touch 10% of these countries. That's rounded to 20 countries. And I have already sown into 5 of them. And I am not cheating because I have been to more countries that that but I do not feel like I have SOWN CHRIST into them all so I will not count it.

Bold? yes. Kira I thought you wanted to do youth ministry? Yes I do and I will. But there is no harm in me also dedicating apart of my money and time to the nations. Our stories should be told. Christ should be proclaimed. And it should reach further than our own town, state, and even country.

My goal in this is to not focus on it as a goal I get to achieve but to focus on it as a part of my call to discipleship. The greatest blessing is not to receive a but to give and this is a challenge the Lord has given me to bless his people and be blessed. I am super excited about it. I will keep you updated as I go...

I have already physically touched...The U.S., The Bahamas, Guatemala, Mexico, and India. 15 to go and 191 more to sow into :) By the way, Nic is in complete support of this and he is up for the challenge too...together we will touch the world and make a difference. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I love love love this post about reaching the nations!! It is so my heart as well to sow love, hope, and joy into God's nations around the world. It is POSSIBLE to love people ALL around the world, in EVERY place that God has created. I am soooo proud of this awesome goal you WILL achieve. :) LOVE YOU
