We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Outlook

Well the wedding talk was great last night! We got A LOT accomplished and we are now on the same page wih everything that we need to be doing. Nic has taken over the project of finding us a place to live!! How fun! I can not wait until we actually find it and the creativity of decorations can start to flow in my mind! I can't wait!

Last night I realized a lot of things that Nic and I have learned in the last 3 months. To be honest it hasn't always been the easiest times but I do believe it has become the most beneficial!

To care more about People than ourselves: I don't know how it happened but the Lord has broken our hearts for celebration. We have learned what it means to celebrate and support the people we love more intimately and more genuinely. We have broken the focus that has been on ourselves. We would often times sacrifice oppurtunities to invest in others to take time to invest in ourselves. Now we are moving forward to focusing on others. Nic is going to go see one of his best friends on Friday before he moves to (I forgot where but I think it is Montana haha). He has always had the biggest heart for people and so have I be we rarely have sacrificed to show it. I am proud of Nic for going on Friday and I am happy to see this change in our lives. We truly appreciate and care about so many people around us and now we are striving to show it in every way. As Pastor Hunt has preached...Let's do life together. We are now seeing what that means. It is not sitting beside each other on Sunday and Wednesdays at church but it is going to going away parties, wedding showers, ball games, baby showers, to be there in a time of need and to be there in a time of celebration. We dedicate ourselves to those around us....we are ready to do life together. Not just with each other but our friends and family.

Submission: Boy have I been learning a lot about this. As we are on the edge of marriage the reality of submission has never been stronger. I believe that Nic and I have always been good at submiting but we are learning what it really means to trust God and trust people and trust each other with our lives. Fear is breaking off, control is being loosed, and we are being set free in full trust of the Lord. Because of it we are becoming stronger. I could write 5 posts on what I have learned about submission but I am not going to be that extreme haha so just know we have learned a lot and we are being shaped into it daily and we are being blessed beyond measure.

Nic and I are busting with love. We are so happy to be where we are and so grateful to be growing the way that we are. God is so good. He has given us each other, GREAT families, a great pastor, and the most wonderful friends. The Lord is working on us daily and preparing us to be the best husband and wife. And in learning that we are also learning how to be the best family member and the best friend that we can. The pressure of life is being relieved and we are moving forward into a place that is overflowing love and creativity.

I feel like I am at a place of repetition so I will stop. I hope as you read this you are encouraged. When Jesus spent his last days with his disciples he made everything so easy for them. He encouraged them and he said that there was one thing he needed them to do....LOVE HIS PEOPLE. He didn't tell them to go invest in themselves or take care of each other only...he told them to go out into the nations and LOVE HIS PEOPLE! Thats it! I can think of so many other things I would have said if I was Jesus in that time. But he knew and he trusted that if his disciples showed love and touched others all other things would fall into place. I'm blown away by it even as I type this.

I love you all so much! Thank you for listening to me go on and on. It is refreshing to say that I am not perfect and neither is my fiance...we learn and grow every day and I love sharing it!


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