We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Our First Wedding Shower

Well I am still on wedding shower high that is for sure. We had the most wonderful time. It was honestly almost so great that I am unsure of how to put it into words. Most all of our family was able to come and more people from our wedding party than we imagined showed up. We spent a lot of time in the beginning just eating and fellowshiping. I tried to introduce everyone to everyone but it was very difficult seeing that hardly anyone knew each other haha. Nic and I were back and forth talking to everyone but we were loving it. Our parents all met and spend time getting to know each other and our grandparents and friends all did the same. I wish so badly that the shower could have lasted hours longer so everyone had more time to spend together. Especially those who made a long trip to be there. Praise God for great friends and family. A lot of them traveled 3 to 5 hours to be there for a couple hours to just turn around and go back. It really meant more to us than they will ever know.

Nic and I opened presents. And I know last time I told you about how he would squirm but he used his sweet little niece as a cover up! She sat in his lap the whole time and they watched me open the presents and helped me announce the gifts. I did get him to open a few though :) I must say we were definitely PAMPERED at this shower! Nic's family came together to get us practically ALL of our bathroom accessories and towels and shower curtain, etc. And then my Mamaw and Papaw got us fire safes which we both thought were awesome haha in fact when we got back to Boone that was the first thing Nic wanted to open! How clever of them to get that for us, huh?! And we got lots of other things that we loved and not to mention my parents got us a PLASMA TV!! Now that was when Nic began to really squirm haha. They definitely did not have to do that but we are so thankful! My dad said it was really for him, so when he comes up to visit us he doesn't have to watch games on a little TV ;)

We took some time to tell the people there how much they meant to us. When it got to my turn to talk of course I cried. It was just so overwhelming in the best way to look around the room and see our families together and to see the friends we love the most to be looking back at us from a position of love and support. These are the people that will be with us until the end they will love us, support our marriage, and one day support our kids. They will be the ones we spend out most cherished moments with and share life with.

After the shower Nic and I went to dinner and just sat and reflected on the time. We were just speechless at how great we thought it was. We were sad for the people that weren't able to be there because we truly felt as if that was the beginning of our wedding. Almost like a pre rehearsal dinner. We were ready to get married before because of our excitement to share life with one another but now I think we are even more ready to get married because of seeing the other people that we get to share our life with.

It's funny because in the beginning of our engagement, for various reasons, I went through a season where I was nervous of not having support when we were married. Or our marriage causing us to not be as close to other people. But I know that is not true and as I once feared walking through this alone I now am overwhelmed with the realization that there are more people than I could have imagined.

It is just so sweet and so wonderful to know that as Nic and I walk together...others are walking with us too!

Love you all and many blessings! I am believing that this week is going to be great!!


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