We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wonderful & Beautiful Weekend

What a GREAT weekend!! Sorry I have been MIA lately but it is because I have been doing so many amazing things :)

Friday Night, Nic and I went to the Watauga High School baseball game. That is the high school here in Boone and it is also the high school I serve in my ministry. For those of you who may not know I lead the youth ministry in my church. It is such a blessing and I will tell you more and more about it as the time goes in this blog site. But it was a lot of fun to go to this game. One: I love Baseball! Two: I love these students and parents and it is always so refreshing to spend time with them. Three: I LOVE when Nic goes with me to my youth activities! A part of me likes to show him off but the other half of me just loves for him to be a part of what I do, what I love, my greatest passion, and one of my greatest joys! Nic and I are funny because we would almost always want to have the other person with us. We feel stronger together, we have the most fun together, and we are just simply each other's favorite and best friends. So needless to say Friday night was a treat. I talked to lots of girls, parents, and coaches and it was such a great time to be a part of their community.

Saturday....GIRLS ROAD TRIP! Two of Nic and mine's very good friends, Frankie and Meagan, are also getting married this summer! Three weeks before we are and we are both in their wedding. This weekend Meagan had a bridal shower in Franklin, NC which is 3 hours from Boone. My friends (Christi, Leslie, and Becky) and I all got in the car and headed toward Franklin for a Saturday with the girls! We started our trip off right with finding a gas station that was selling their gas for a dollar off, giving away free pizza and chips, AND we got on the radio. How random huh?! But yet very exciting :) After some curvy roads, a stop in the middle of who knows where at a Cato for Christi to get a new shirt since she got orange on hers in the car haha, and lots of fun conversation we made it to the shower. It was so much fun, it is so sweet to celebrate such a great friend and bride. Meagan's aunt did a great job of putting it all together and we had a blast! On our way back we stopped in Asheville had some Mexican food outside in the beautiful weather and endured the road trip a little longer before we returned home. Sometimes it just feels good to get off this wonderful mountain :)

Sunday....have I told you how great my church is yet?! The Lord has placed me in a house that is so willing and free to go after the things of Him. I have a great Pastor who is a leader in the ways of the Lord, who has a heart for people bigger than I can fathom, and who truly seeks out the voice of God. Sunday he talked about a new vision for the church. Vision is so exciting to me and it was such a refreshing and empowering Sunday. After church we had connecting point where new visitors get to come and meet the leaders and it was really good to sit down and talk to new people :) Here comes one of the best parts of my weekend...on Sunday for the first time in 2011 I put on a bathing suit and went outside and TANNED!! Woohoo! If you know me you know this is something I dream about the day fall begins all the way to spring. I am a beach girl at heart and sometimes these mountains get the best of me in the cold months! But it was so enjoyable. We finished out the weekend going down to Blowing Rock sitting outside for dinner with our good friends Amanda and John Mark Hamilton, watched to sun go down and talked about life.

I feel like every minute of this weekend was a blessing and was so exciting! Don't you love A+ weekends?! But I have my opinion....almost every weekend the sun is shinning is an A+ weekend! Thank you Lord for the sun you created :)

Love you all! Hope you're week is full of new opportunities and blessings!


1 comment:

  1. We had such a great time hanging out with you two on Sunday night. :) We are so thankful for your friendship and we are blessed to have you in our lives!! Hope you have another A+ weekend!!
