We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

9 Days to GO

Hey Friends!

Today was much better :) We have officially checked off our todo list of things to buy!! Yayy! I know more things will come up as we continue to organize but it still is so refreshing to know it is all taken care of!

I even took time in my day today to do something for me that was not wedding related! I had lunch with one of my best friends in the world, Jonathan Everette and his sweet girlfriend Keri! Jonny and I have been close since elementary school. I don't think he will read this blog so I will go ahead and say this but if he was a girl he'd totally be a bridesmaid haha.. Not sure if he would enjoy me saying something like that out loud haha...sorry buddy! But anyways lunch was wonderful and it was so great to catch up with the two of them! He was funny because during the lunch he just said..."Dude...you are going to cry so hard." with a worried look on his face.

Jonny and I are close enough for him to know that my tears do not have a lot of trouble flowing :) The thought of crying at my wedding is so funny. For some reason I have this strong believe that I will hold it together...anyone else that has spent more than a day with me would probably beg a differ. I am so scared I will look like a dinosaur face if I cry so much so I am truly determined to keep it under control! Wish me luck! I cry through every wedding I go to, going through my own will be tough!

Yesterday in my blog I mentioned my dress. Well long story short the seamstress took my dress in when it didn't need to be taken in and now it is way to little. I tried it on last Thursday and it definitely needed to be let out. I am not sure what she was thinking or if she just forgot what she was doing or what but regardless I left there with no frustration trusting she would get it right. THEN I came back on Tuesday...still to little. Then I went back today...STILL TOO LITTLE! Then she tried to do a quick fix on the dress and ended up cutting the fabric. Anyways I am going to stop here because I am trying to stay as calm as someone can be in this situation. Tomorrow I go back for the FOURTH time in a weeks period. Hopefully the 4th time is a charm since the 3rd time failed me.

Well...I miss Nic. I feel much less stressed today but I would still love to have him around. It is always good to have that person that helps you and reminds you to relax and that is Nic for me. Little Piper is missing him too. Although she is not the sweet little puppy I brought to Wilmington with me. She is fiesty for sure and completely full of herself haha. She will barely let me hold her at this point. She is too interested in everything around her than to stop for lovin. I miss her cuddles but I guess she has to go through her wild puppy stage. Yesterday she did catch a toad in the yard and it was pretty awesome! I love having her with me but it also make me wish Nic was here more. I like for the 3 of us to be together! We haven't had her long but it already feels like a little family :)

Well I am going to go to sleep now. Tomorrow is another day full of knocking things out. My goal is to mostly get everything done by Sunday and next week....RELAX!!! The sun is calling my name :)

Love you all,

Kira Vithalani

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