We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Moving to the Mountaintop

Last week I began talking about the choice of being in a cave or on a mountaintop. The cave is often a choice we choose because it provides what we perceive as shelter, comfort, and protection. But God makes it clear in the story of Elijah that the cave is not the best choice.

I lived in the mountains of North Carolina for almost 9 years. Having the mountains as my back yard for so long I actually have a tangible vision of what it feels like to be standing on top of a mountain.

On the mountain we are exposed. We are open to the winds, the rain, the wildlife and we essentially feel completely unprotected. I can remember times in college when I would hike to the top of a mountain and stand out on the edge but there were times when I wouldn’t dare go near the edge because the winds were so fierce that I was fearful I would lose stability.

I would suggest through scripture and revelation that the instability and exposure of the mountaintop is where we “GET” to see the Lord be the Lord. When we are exposed, this is where we get to see Him in His rawest, most tangible form, as long as we focus our eyes on Him. This is a gift that He wants to give to us.

In Mark 9, the bible gives us a more clear picture of the mountaintop. Jesus brought the disciples with Him to the mountaintop and when they were there Jesus revealed Himself in true light. Scripture said that Jesus “was transfigured among them. His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, as no one on earth could bleach them.” (Mark 9:2b-3) They had seen Jesus as only human and on the mountaintop they got to experience him tangibly as God.

Yet they didn’t accept Him for who He is. They didn't trust in the word that says, "God is my rock, my fortress, and my savior: my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety." (Psalm 18:2) They didn’t trust in their almighty King who they could even see clearly in front of them. Instead, they wondered if they were safe, turning to the God of protection they offering to build shelters. Due to the remembrance of their false security, their caves, they didn’t embrace the the security of Christ.

What structures have you put in place in your life to keep you safe and secure, but when you take a deeper look they seem to bounce back lie after lie, or create a cycle or recurring unGodly patterns? Is it a relationship? A job? A city? An addiction?

It takes a lot of strength and courage to recognize you have boxed yourself into your own cave of false security. But if you have now recognized it, it’s time to step out and onto the mountaintop.

So here are a few things I want you to know before you move out of your cave.

You are going to feel naked.
Your cave has been covering your hurts, pains, insecurities, and doubts for a long time. It’s what you have gone to for comfort, acceptance, and reassurance. So sure, when you come out of whatever your cave may be to you, it is going to feel less than desirable. You will feel exposed and unprotected. So before you step out, go ahead and come to terms with this feeling and go ahead and make up your mind that even when you feel vulnerable to the unknown and newness of the mountain top God is calling you to, you won’t turn back!!

Jesus will meet you there.
When Adam and Eve found themselves naked in the Garden, God did not leave them there uncovered. He met them there and He covered their vulnerabilities. Your, now exposed, wounds and insecurities will not be left there to bleed out. You’re heavenly father is a Healer! Not only will He heal, He will protect you in adversities to come. You are not on the mountaintop alone!

You may be tempted to dream of your cave.
Another thing I suggest you come to terms with is, you are going to miss the comfort of your false security. Be careful to not spend too much time focusing on what you are leaving behind. Trust that there is an ultimate power in the King of all Kings waiting for you in the newness. So make sure you get out of your head and take the time to look up. If you never look up...you’ll follow your foot prints right back to your cave. But if you take the time in the uncomfortability to look up and take in the scenery from the mountaintop you will see that there is so much more for you. You will see that you are not alone. Christ stands with you! I would propse this is where the disciples went wrong as well.

So when you are standing there. Maybe now single, or in a new job, or with all the junk food out of your cabinets, or without your normal crowd of friends to go out with on Friday night...do not be afraid. God is your shelter. Although, you now feel exposed, you are now able to receive new sounds, be led in new ways, be brought into your destiny, become more like Christ, experience miracles, and so much more!

No more beating your head against the walls of your cave. Step into God’s presence, fully exposed, and begin to learn what it means to truly trust in a trustworthy source of security. Imagine yourself on a mountaintop without your stronghold when you look out on the horizon what is it that’s there for you?

What also amazes me about the story of the disciples on the mountaintop is that when they saw Jesus they saw him talking with Elijah and Moses. The two characters of the bible that went to the mountaintop to experience God are now walking in consistent relationship and conversation with the King. Don’t worry, eventually, you’ll stop dreaming of your cave and eventually there will be no place you’d rather be than in the unknown with your Lord. Eventually, you may even find yourself fearlessly wanting to jump off your mountaintop and take on all that the Lord is showing you. The world is yours. Come out of your cave. Determine what you’ll do when you feel naked and exposed. Lift your head and fix your eyes on Christ and then let him point you to where you will go and ultimately allow yourself to be in His PRESENCE!

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