We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Friday, October 23, 2015

It's Time For Your Comeback

Everyone loves a comeback story. The team is down, it looks like the game is over, but then something shifts...the momentum, the mindset, the will to succeed...and the team, once in a place of projected defeat, comes through to do just the opposite….gain VICTORY!

We’ve all been here right? In a place where the only option looks like your ultimate defeat. But let me encourage you today that comebacks are not just for football. Notice the words I used previously...the team is in a place of “projected defeat.” I say it this way because the fact is you are not defeated. You're not defeated because the game’s not over. Christ calls you to victory and he has already defeated our battles on the cross but we don’t always allow ourselves to believe that there is a different outcome for us other than defeat. Therefore we live as if we have already lost the game. We say, well this is just me, this is just how it’s going to be, I can’t change, and we stay feeling defeated.

But our motivation can shift, our mindset can shift, and our will can be ignited so we can start walking toward the victorious life were called to. One yard at a time, one down at a time, one touchdown at a time, until ultimately we have overcome defeat (sorry for all the football terms girls, I’m a football wife lol)

You may be at rock bottom and trust me it wasn’t long ago that I found myself there as well. I was in a place of projected defeat, my hope was lost. And unfortunately, when hope is lost is when depression sets in. I was unhappy with myself, disgusted to be honest, I couldn’t quite pinpoint why yet but I knew I could either fight for change or I could drown….

Take a look at the journal entry I wrote right after I came to terms with my situation...

“It is that serious….I am that far gone...I do breed darkness…I struggle with self-worth….I don't spend quality time with Jesus. I am shameful and disappointed in myself. I have let the enemy take over and I feel as if I am a huge lie. I may be at the lowest point spiritually in my life so far but…I AM COMING BACK!!!
Because although my previous statements are real they are not truth!
Truth is….
God is gracious.
I am beautiful.
I can't do this without the Lord.
He is Redeemer.
I am welcome in his arms.
I can find my joy in him.
I can find my strength in Him.
Life without Him is scary.
Life with Him is abundant.
I am nothing without Him.
My blessings are nothing without him.
My satisfaction comes from the Lord.
I am purposed and called.
I am not too tired to love.
God is love.”

It makes me sad to read those first statements and know I was in a place like that. Those words were really harsh but I didn’t accept them as truth. I think so much of my strength to start recovering was how I responded to the reality of my situation. I could have said …. “I struggle with self worth...so I am unworthy.”

So let me go back to football for a second. The reality is you might be losing the game. You may feel like I did, and still do sometimes, “shameful and disappointed in myself.” The score might be The World:100 You:0. You may have not caught a single ball thrown to you so far, or maybe you’ve missed every tackle and now you're having a moment of honesty with yourself and owning where you are. You can make excuses and identify with your situation saying….”yep, I suck.” or you could say….”this isn’t me and if I don’t change...we’re gonna lose.”

You may be struggling with depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness, dependency, avoidance, unworthiness, bitterness, etc. But don’t identify with it...it is never too late for a come back. Whether you are 12 or 52….God is calling out for you to live the life he intended for you to have. The one he died for, the one that he went to hell for, the one that he rose for. Your past and not even your present has to determine your future. He is saying it’s time for you to take him off the bench and let him into the game with you.

So get back on the field with your head held high. Because you may have dropped every ball in the first couple quarters but you are just a few catches away from victory. Find God’s truth about you and if you don’t know them comment on this post and tell me how you're feeling or what you feel like you can’t overcome and let me help you find God’s encouraging truth. Remember I am not doing this to just tell you about my journey I am telling you all of this so we can journey together. And maybe you are saying “That’s a great message for Christians but I’m not one. So here I am at rock bottom but what’s my answer?” Your answer is no different. Whether you have known Christ for years or you accept him into your life today you are promised the same victory and I encourage you now to to accept him as your Lord and Savior.

Rock bottom is scary. Like I said, I was at a place where I only had two choices...to fight or to drown. I am still fighting to become who I feel called to be but I can assure you....I AM NOT DROWNING and I am so thankful for the ability to make my COME BACK! It's time for you to make yours too!


  1. Replies
    1. Rachel! So sorry I'm just now seeing this! Glad it was encouraging to you! Hope you are doing well!
