We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our Pregnancy in a Nut Shell

Where do I even begin :) I should have been blogging my entire pregnancy but I never quite got in the routine but as I am now sitting at my house while to snow pours down outside and I already know I don’t have to go to work tomorrow so I thought it would be the perfect time to catch everyone up on how waiting on our sweet baby boy has been.
In a nut shell…
How we found out: We found out on June 16th…father’s day (and my dad’s birthday). I had actually taken a test a few days before and it was negative but my “monthly visitor” still never came so I decided I should take another one. Football camps were just getting started and Nic was at work all day long. We also had a coach coming to stay with us that night to work the camps and Nic’s brother was coming up to stay with us to attend one of the camps. I got the house ready for all our guests, sat down to relax, and then couldn’t fight the temptation to take another test. I had one at the house so it was perfect. I took it and this time it surprised me with 2 little lines instead of one. I couldn’t believe it and I wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Nic was gone and extremely busy all day and we had guests coming in AND…was it right? My mind was racing so I immediately went to the store to get more tests haha. While I was there I rummaged through the left over father day cards and just in case I continued to get positive results I wanted to tell Nic in a creative way. I found a card from a dog to a dad and thought it was the perfect one. I got home…took more tests…and kept seeing those 2 little lines. The day seemed to go by as slow as ever from there. I was really hoping that Nic would get home before our guests but that wasn’t the case. Everyone arrived around the same time in the evening and then we spent the rest of the night catching up with everyone…meanwhile I had a HUGE secret weighing on me! Finally Nic decided he was going to go take a shower and get ready for bed. I immediately got up and followed him into the bedroom. I told him before he got in the shower Piper (our dog) had a father’s day gift for him. He kinda looked at me funny but it wasn’t beyond me to do something cheesy like this so he took the card and read it. Inside PIPER told him how much she loved him and how excited she was to share him with the little baby in mommys tummy. I could tell that he read it about 3 times before speaking, wondering if he was reading it correctly. I would say shock was he reaction as well haha.
First Trimester ups and downs: I made it through my first trimester without ever getting sick. It was such a blessing. I had a couple nauseous days but nothing that kept me down or made me ill. The biggest struggle for me was the fatigue and of course the weight of the secret. I wanted to wait till I was 12 weeks to tell anyone and it was most definitely the hardest secret I have ever had to keep!
Boy or Girl: Our gender reveal story is a roller coaster! The first time we went to find out if it was a boy or girl the little babe would not show us. It’s back was to us the entire time! Then we went again and they told us we were having a girl!! We both thought we were having a boy so the thought of a girl was a slight shock but we started getting so excited and even had a name. I had another ultra sound 3 weeks later and I got on the table and she put the little device on my stomach and immediately said…oh look theres your little BOY!! Nic and I just looked at each other and couldn’t say a word…she realized what was going on and said OMG they told you it was a girl didn’t they?! We said yes, laughed it off, and she went on to show us all the little boy parts and how sure she was. It was a hard adjustment. I had to remember that nothing happened to the little girl it was just always my little boy in there. But I am not going to lie it was emotional and it was very hard. But I couldn’t be more excited about my boy! I am thrilled!
Biggest Challenges: Obviously the gender roller coaster was one of the biggest challenges. But I also got diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. It is a type of diabetes that you have only for pregnancy. I have to take my blood sugar 4 times a day by pricking my finger and I am on a strict diet. But the great thing is that I can control my sugar levels with diet and I never had to go on insulin. I found out the day before thanksgiving and needless to say I was a wreck. The hardest part has been giving so much thought to all the food I eat but it really ended up not being too bad.
Emotions: I am not sure what Nic would say haha but I really think I have done well with my emotions. There are some days I feel a little off but there were only a couple times early in pregnancy that I lost control and cried for God knows why. One time I ran out of gas and you would have thought my world had ended haha. But for the most part I think I have continued to be my happy self.
Biggest Enjoyments/life savers: I have loved getting everything ready in the nursery, the ultrasounds, and learning about babies with Nic, and most of all feeling my little wiggle worm move all around in my stomach. Feeling him kick and move is the most amazing thing in the world. These are the things that have really made it all feel real. My biggest life saver has been exercising. I have been able to keep an exercise routine up my entire pregnancy and it has given me more energy and all in all helped me feel better. I never thought I could keep up with it like I have but it has been the biggest blessing to me.
Names: No names yet. Our poor boy haha. We have names we like but we are almost positive we will be headed to the hospital without officially knowing what the name is.
So all in all it has been a great pregnancy. Now Nic and I are a little over 4 weeks away from our due date. We are taking our birthing classes, reading up on taking care of little babies, getting the nursery ready, trying to rest (at least I am), and just praying for our sweet babe and for the labor and delivery to go well.
I am nervous but so excited. I just simply can’t wait to meet him, kiss him, and hold him.
I am so in love already…
Hoping to do this more. Until next time :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet.! I loved reading about your journey and h ope to meet you soon. I use to babysit nic when he was a baby. He was so sweet and reminded me of his father so much. I am so happy that both of you have a wonderful journey ahead of you. Believe me, it will pass so fast and before you know it your kids are grown. May God keep you all safe and bless you in all you do. Shirley Fore nics aunt
