We've all been resistant to stepping out in faith. We've all let fear hold us back.
On this blog you'll find real life revelations and stories from an imperfect woman, wife, mother, and friend who lives with a daily desire to experience healing for where I've missed the mark, joy where I've felt lonely, to be fulfilled where I've felt without, and ultimately live the abundant and secure life that Christ has called me to. I want to live fearlessly for my God...trust in Him fully...and do what he's asked me without hesitation . I know I'm not alone and my hope is we can walk together, overcome our strongholds, and embrace a life unafraid as we walk with our Lord.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

4 days to Go...

"Marriage is about nakedness, exposure, defenselessness, and the very extremeties of intimacy. It is about simple unadorned truth between two human beings, truth at all levels and at all costs, and it does not care what pain or inconvience must be endured in order for the habit of truth to take root, to be watered, and to grow into maturity. Marriage is a cacrament of openess, of personal knowledge, the supreme means provided by God for people to come to know one another." - Mike Mason, The Mystery of Marriage

I know...this quote is intense. A lot of time what scares people most about marriage is infact shown to be the most beautiful part of it. The knowing that some one else will know you more than anyone ever has, they will see every flaw, and they will see every hidden dream. You become one with someone else and in a marriage it is no longer just you but the two of you, forever. It is a lot to swallow and it is hard to know if giving up your independence, secretcy and privacy is worth spending your life with another person until death do you part. Although it seems scary, I see it as the most beautiful part of marriage. What I look forward to most. Laying myself down and picking up a life that includes not only myself but the man I love the most. To walk together...fearless of what the other might found out about me, beleiving and knowing in faith....he will love me anyways. What a sweet picture of Christ. I know I am not perfect but in the eyes of my future husband none of that matters. I will mess up and so will he. He has secrets and so do I. We have so much to learn about each other and in 4 days we get to truly lay our selves down, pick up togetherness, and enter into this journey called marriage. Call me gushy, call me dramatic, call me whatever you like, but I chose to see marriage as Christ see's it. I choose to base my model not off of any couple I see around me but off of the model of Christ. Sure I will fall short and so will Nic but together we will always be moving forward, closer and closer to the picture Christ has set for us. For a husband should love his wife as Christ loves the Church.

I have been trying to relax today but there is still much to be done. Tomorrow my plan is to finish it all and then tomorrow night the best part of the preparation comes...NIC will arrive :) I have missed him a ton and we have not seen each other in almost 2 weeks. I am still slightly in denial that our wedding is on Friday, only 4 days away. But I believe when he gets here it will change my focus completely. I am almost nervous to see him and as in nervous I mean I DO have BUTTERFLIES. He is not just a great friend but he is my future husband, the love of my life, my leader and my confidant. He is all I always knew I should wait for and so much more (this is how I knew he would be my husband some day).

I have full confidence in our wedding. It is going to be so beautiful! For those of you coming I really hope you are able to experience the love Christ has for you during our ceremony. I believe so strongly that what happens in a marriage ceremony is so much more than the eyes can see. I hope your hearts are forever touched :)

It is 1 am and I need to go to bed. I am sorry I didnt blog yesteday, I fought a headache all day long and simply could not bring myself to look at this computer screen long enough to write a blog. I hope you are having a blessed week. I know I am!

Love you always,
Kira Vithalani


  1. Kira, this was beautiful and I am so excited for this weekend. You are truly amazing and you're view of marriage is spot on. Keep believing God when He tells you it is an AMAZING thing! Love you to death!!

  2. Hi Kira, what a beautiful description of marriage- I have chills! I'm so excited for you & Nic tomorrow! I know you'll have a blessed and happy life together. Love you guys!! -Casey H.
